Company Information

Suraj Cotton Mills Limited is a Public Limited Company incorporated on December 18, 1984 under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 now Companies Act, 2017, and listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited.

Status of the company: Public Limited Company
Incorporation Number: K-309/8437
CUIN Number: 0012519
NTN: 0698469-0
STN: 03-08-5202-020-28
Chairman: Mr. Khalid Bashir
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Nadeem Maqbool
Board of Directors: Mr. Ahsan Bashir
Mr. Adil Bashir
Ms. Maheen Hisham Adamjee
Mr. Muhammad Iqbal
Mr. Shams Rafi
Chief Financial Officer: Mr. Muhammad Naeem Sheikh
Company Secretary: Mr. Shahzad Nazir
Legal Advisors: Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Khawaja
Auditors: Riaz Ahmad & Company, Chartered Accountants
Share Registrar: Corptec Associates (Pvt.) Ltd.
503 E Johar Town, Lahore.
Ph. No. 042-35170336-7
Bankers: Allied Bank Limited
Habib Bank Limited
MCB Bank Limited
National Bank of Pakistan
MCB Islamic Bank Limited
United Bank Limited
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited
Samba Bank Limited
FINCA Microfinance Bank Limited
Meezan Bank Limited
Bank Alfalah Limited